Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Support

Young Minds

This is the UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional well-being and mental health of children and young people. 


Kooth, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use.

CAMHs Resources

This site was created for young people, carers and professionals to pool together lots of helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and well-being.

Anna Freud

Anna Freud works in collaboration with children and young people, their families and communities and mental health professionals to transform children and families’ mental health.

Child Line

A counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday in the UK provided by the NSPCC.

42nd Street

We are 42nd Street, a charity based in Greater Manchester. We offer a range of individual therapeutic support, learning opportunities, groups and creative activities for young people, encouraging you to find your voice, develop new skills, have fun and demonstrate that you can manage your mental health and wellbeing to achieve your full potential.

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