Have you ever wondered how a toaster works?

Have you ever wondered how a toaster works?

Or how the fridge keeps cool?

Dudley, the techno-wizard dog, takes children from the furthest realms of fantasy into the fascinating world of technology, to discover the workings of familiar machines.

Recently, year 5 have been studying how things really work. No more thinking polar bears are helping keep the fridge cool or dragons living in their toasters. In our writing lessons we have explored how a rocket takes off, how a boat really floats, how to operate a car, work a computer and get that light bulb to shine. Who knew that it wasn’t really a chain reaction of popcorn that helps a space shuttle exit the atmosphere?

Keevie – I loved this book because, when Dudley says all of these daft things it always sounds like something I would say.

Samuel – This book is funny and I love the fact that polar bears climb in to the back of the fridge to place ice-cubes to keep it cool.

Ibrahim – I like the fact that this book is silly, it’s nice to be silly sometimes.

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