Mr Wolf Loves Pancakes - do you?

In Nursery, we have been reading a story called Mr Wolf's Pancakes by Jan Fearnley.

Mr Wolf fancies some tasty pancakes but he doesn't know how to make them. Asking his neighbours is no use - they're a mean and horrible lot who refuse to help. Poor Mr wolf - he has to work it out, all by himself. So what happens when these nasty neighbours want to help Mr Wolf eat his delicious pancakes?

The children have loved listening to a new story about a wolf and have been thinking about what other stories they know with wolves in, such as Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs. It has been interesting to hear the children describing the different characters in the story and whether the children recognise them from other stories such as Chicken Licken and the Gingerbread Man.

The book has inspired us to think about how we could use familiar characters in making up our own stories in our Talk for Writing lessons.

The book has inspired us to write a non-chronological report about a lion or a giraffe, including lots of interesting facts and descriptive language. We have also been very excited to write a letter to the zoo asking for a new pet – the children are hoping to see an elephant or a penguin in the school when we get back in the New Year!

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