Year 4 - Wed Wabbit by Lisa Evans

This term we are reading Wed Wabbit by Lisa Evans. Wed Wabbit is an adventure story about friendship, danger and the terror of never being able to get back home again. The story starts with a tragedy that takes the characters and the readers on an emotional journey. This story deals with loss and the character’s reactions to such events.

Eventually, this turns to adventure and self-growth. The children are really enjoying this book and are continuously making creative predictions on what may happen next.

Talullah- This book has kept us guessing as it keeps ending each chapter on a cliff-hanger.

Petra- I can’t wait for the author to come and visit us at school so I can ask her why she wrote the book to keep us in suspence.

Wisdom – I want to find out what happens to the characters at the end. The author makes us feel worried about them.

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