The Man on the Moon! Written by Simon Bartram


The Man on the Moon! Looks at a day in the life of Bob and what he gets up to on the moon: cleaning and tidying, welcoming visitors, performing tricks for the tourists and much more. He knows almost everything there is to know about the moon - but there's something going on behind his back that he hasn't spotted...


The children have thoroughly enjoyed working with this text and have produced some wonderful work based around space. We have used our five sense to write a setting description of the moon, and have also enjoyed acting out putting on a heavy space suit and boarding a huge, metal rocket!


Korkor imagines that “space would be amazing! I would love to go there. You might even see some slimy, green aliens!”


Justin asserts, “it would be so exciting to go to space and to see some aliens! Do you think we could talk to them?”


Kieran John thinks, “there would be dusty sand that could blow into your face, but it would be great to eat sandwiches and an apple on the moon like Bob does!”

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